Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Costa Rica- Day 4

Waking up gets harder and harder each day, but our oh so annoying bird continues our 5:30 wake-up call. After breakfast comes the daily sunscreen and bug spray applications in preparation for another day of hard work! Today was my first day digging in the trenches and lets just say it is harder than it looks! The sun was out in full force which made for a hot day! We all cheered for the few minutes each hour the sun would disappear behind a cloud. While the trench work continued, so did the work on the rebar and sanding benches! The afternoon came with a delicious treat of cold Gatorade! Might no seem like a big deal but because most Costa Ricans don't use ice in their drinks- a cold drink was a luxury! Everyone hurried in that afternoon to take showers and get ready for church! Some decided to have a little fun with the children before it was time to get ready! We ate dinner and set off for our walk to church! When we arrived our bus driver/the associate pastor Luis showed us arround. And as members of the church started to arrive we were welcomed by handshakes, hugs and love. Toward the end of the service came something that none of us were expecting. They grabbed each one of us and dragged us up to the front of the sanctuary. They the dancing begun! The songs went on and on but we had a blast! "yo quiero nadar en el rio de dios!" was the song that everyone remembered the most- it came complete with a swimming dance! We were all exhausted after a long day so off to bed we went!


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