Sunday, January 3, 2010

Costa Rica- Day 2

Everybody woke up refreshed after a 10 hour slumber! The girls however, were less than thrilled with the noisy bird that took up residence outside their bunkhouse and notified everyone with his squawking when the sun arose around 5:30. After breakfast we loaded up the bus and headed to see the volcano! The bus ride their gave us a wonderful opportunity to view the beautiful country of Costa Rica! We pushed back the windows and excitedly snapped photo after photo and we definitely saw some interesting things!
We arrived at the Volcano and were ready for some sight seeing! We were slightly disappointed when all we could see were clouds but we treked on up to the lagoon hoped to see that. Sadly, that too was hidden by a wall of humid clouds! But the hilly hike up to the lagoon was filled with every shade of green imaginable! The nature we saw could have been straight out of National Geographic.

After we loaded the bus we stopped at a shop that soon became our favorite! This local stop was filled with all sorts of sweets and snacks! As soon as we got back on the bus with our goodies the trading began! We all shared our snacks so that everyone could taste all of the delicious flavors of local grown coconut, fruits and homemade baked goods. Our next stop was a souvenir shop that contained mugs, magnets and all sorts of things labeled "Costa Rica". After that we headed to Grecia, the cleanest city in Central America. There we toured a beautiful church. This church is very special because when it was first built it had to be carried piece by piece up a hill by an ox cart.

Before we new it, it was time to shower off the grime and sweat. The girls got quite a shock when our electric showers were not heated at all! All that could be heard was laughter and shrieks as the water chilled us to the bone. After a traditional dinner of rice and beans it was time for my favorite part of the night- devotions! We came together as a group to sings songs to our Lord, share our favorite parts of the day, read His word and pray! After, we all gathered around for a few games of cards before bedtime!

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